Call-Me-Back *126* - Maxis

Call-Me-Back *126*

Haaa.. saja teman nak share yang ni dulu, sebab selepas share tentang menda ni, ada STORY disebaliknya teman nak share ngan korang.. apa2 pun.. korang cuci mata dulu nengok menda ni yea, malas teman nak translate2.. korang leh baca n faham Bahasa Inggeris kan? korang bacalah yea.. nanti teman update entri b terbaru yang berkaitan Call-Me-Back *126* ni yea! ada lea citer sikit pasal ni.. he3...

Call-Me-Back *126*

Call-Me-Back *126* is an exclusive service for Maxis subscribers. If your line has been barred or you're out of credit, you can send an SMS to other Maxis or Hotlink subscribers asking them to call you back. Best of all, it's totally free-of-charge!
Terms & Conditions
This service is available to all Maxis Mobile and Hotlink subscribers.

The content of the SMS is predefined using a standard template. Subscribers will not be able to send a personalised message.

Maxis Mobile subscribers may use this service only when barred and up to 3 times per month.
Hotlink subscribers can use this service when they are out of balance or their account has been deactivated. Maximum usage is 3 times per month.


  1. pernh guna tpi kjp je.. mcm x serasi..

  2. Assalamualaikum kak tengku. suami sheila suka buat call me back ni. hehehe sheila jarang nak buat sebab malas nak tekan2 nombor ni. hihihi

  3. salam singgah cne..dah lama tak jenguk tb ;)

  4. haha... pernah guna dlu2 je..skg dh xrajin guna... :)

  5. tak guna maxis ... melepas lah .

  6. tak pernah guna sebab tak ramai family & kawan2 yg guna no maxis ni.. huhu..

  7. tak pernah guna sebab sentiasa ada kredit .

  8. Call me back.. sama ada anak xde kredt boleh teriima.. tapi kalau ada selalu guna tu sah kedekut kredit hahaha :P

  9. salam. jrg guna servis ni sbb abe kie guna line ada sokmo. cukup bln byr saja..

  10. maxis banyak membantu sewaktu kite terdesak

  11. setakat ni xpernah buat.. sebab krdt sentiasa ada..

  12. selalu jugak guna time credit dah habis......haha


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