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12 Jun 2014

Game Finder - The Top Games

Mintak Mahap la yea.. teman giler tengok menda2 kaler OREN ni, tetiba FOX ni terloncat2 main tembak2 dekat banner iklan di blog teman, makanya.. terasa geram dengan kecomelannya.. dan tertanya2 apakah ia.. so teman pun Google cari apakah FOX oren ni.. hahaha.. 
O.. rupa2nya salah satu Application yang terdapat untuk pengguna Android.. Untuk mereka2 yang sukakan Games bolehlah download application ni.. kalau henfon teman canggih dah lama teman download.. tapi nak wat camne, henfon sekarang ni hanya Cap Ayam aje.. kui3.. Hubby kata lepas Raya baru bole belikan henfon baru.. yeayyyy.. takpe.. sabo dulu.. Tapi.. cian pulak kat hubby, teman pakai henfon baru.. dia? henfon lama je.. serba salah pulak rasanya ..  
Tengok.. comel kan Fox nih.. 
Korang minat Game yang macam mana? yang Menguji iQ? Yang ala2 Racing? Yang jenis Sukan? Or macam2 lagi.. korang boleh pilih kat situ, himpunan game2 yang berkualiti je semuanya tau.. tak rugi install Application ni.. hu3.. Ok lah.. nak tau lebih detail? sila baca bawah ni..


What does the HitFox Game Finder do?

- Only hand-picked and high quality games that pass our standards will be featured. Don’t waste your time by downloading poor quality games!


- Save money when downloading games! The Game Finder shows free presents, all price drops and discounts for the best iOS Games.


- All games are organized in the most important game categories such as Strategy or Adventure and sub categories like Basketball or Hack & Slash.


- See what games your friends are playing, all with one click!

Special Features:

* Every day you can unwrap two new and free presents from the App Store
* The Price Alarm informs you in real time about price drops
* Filter games by relevant information such as multiplayer modes, offline/online mode connection, etc..
* Daily Game News keep you up-do-date about new releases and insider tips
* Connect with Facebook to see which games your friends are playing
* Place games on your watchlist
* A push notification can remind you to download large games when you enter a WiFi network

The Game Finder in 5 words:
Free - 800 Games - Deals - Presents - Top Charts

You can filter and search in these categrories and topics:
1) Sport: Soccer, Basketball, Tennis etc.
2) Racing: Speed, Arcade, Formula 1, Sport, Stunt etc.
3) Action: Shooter, War, SciFi, Zombie, Gangster, Tanks, Combat, Sniper
4) Adventure: Fantasy, SciFi, RPG, MMORPG etc.
5) Strategy: Tower Defense, Real time, MMO, Simulation, Board games etc.
6) Casual: Fun, Puzzle, Casino, Zombie, Music, Pinball, Cards etc.

He2.. untuk sesiapa yang suka game, leh la try Install ni yea.. 

Visit Facebook page and join the 350.000 gamers -

For more information visit

Better than Google Play??
“This app has everything a gamer needs” - GIGA

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